"Home is the nicest place there is." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

Saturday, January 23, 2016

I Have Heard But Now I See

If I had a need of it, I believe if I'd ask Him, He'd tell me. But first, you see, your motives and objectives has to be right. You have to have reasons for this. God don't give you those things just because you ask. And you cannot ask in faith unless there's a real objective to that, to be in the will of God. See, if you want to be well, what do you want to be well for? See, if you want to be healed, what's the reason you want to be healed? What are you telling God? What do you want to do with your life when you get healed? See, there's got to be…you've got to have a motive and objective, and they have to be right according to the will of God. And then's when the faith is revealed to you, and God by His sovereign grace places that faith in there, then it's over.
65-1127E I Have Heard But Now I See

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